Honor the memory of a relative, friend, or a birthday, wedding, anniversary, retirement or other special event with a Commemorative Bench or Tree!
Your tax deductible donation will serve as a tribute while also helping your parks! Park Authority staff will install a recognition plaque on every commemorative bench. Since plaques are not permitted for trees or other living landscape elements, you may request a special certificate for each commemorative tree.
Please note that no new bench locations remain available at Riverbend Park, Royal Lake Park or Scotts Run Nature Preserve. No bench requests for Burke Lake Park, Green Spring Gardens, Huntsman Lake Park, Nottoway Park, Lake Fairfax Park, Lake Mercer Park, Lake Accotink Park, Luria Park, or Historic Huntley will be accepted until further notice; however, locations may be available at other parks. No new benches are being accepted for FCPA’s Stream Valley Parks.
Please note that NO new living tree plantings are being accepted for Green Spring Gardens; however, adoptions of existing mature trees are available for adoption. New tree plantings are available at other parks.

You may choose any park or golf course that has a suitable bench available for adoption. A new bench may only be installed in a park where the manager has identified a need. Some parks and golf courses use different bench styles in keeping with their functions and landscaping. The park manager will work with you in selecting an appropriate bench type and location in the park.
Bench recognition plaques will typically be up to 4" x 10" with ½" lettering. Wording is subject to approval by the Park Authority.
Bench Sponsorship Levels
- New Bench $3,500 and up * (Please add $78 convenience fee if donating via credit card or Paypal)
- Adopted Bench $1,500 ** (Please add $34 convenience fee if donating via credit card or Paypal)
* If a non-standard bench style is preferred and acceptable to the park manager, the cost may be higher.
** Pending availability of an existing bench suitable for adoption.
Bench Sponsorships should be made only after a mutually agreeable park and location have been identified with FCPF or FCPA staff.
No plants, in planters or other containers, or any other paraphernalia or items are permitted on or near a memorial or commemorative bench. Please also note that donors are not permitted to plant trees or shrubs in any park. These plants/planters/items will be removed without notification to the donor.

After burying his ashes, friends and family celebrated Matt Sean Siner. They wore Washington Nationals shirts, with the number 19 and SINER on the back as Matt would have been so thrilled that his favorite team won the World Series!

Within a period of ten years following the donation of a steel bench and five years following the donation of a wood bench, the Park Authority will repair or replace the bench if it is severely damaged. To learn more, e-mail the Park Foundation or call 703-324-8532.

You may choose any park or golf course with planting availability for your tree donation. The park manager will work with you in selecting a native tree species and location for planting. Your tree will be approximately 1-1/2"-2-1/2" in diameter and 6'-8' tall depending on species.
Donations will be accepted throughout the year. However, to assure successful rooting, trees will be planted only twice per year - spring and fall.
Tree Sponsorship Levels
- New Tree $1,500 and up * (Please add $33 convenience fee if donating via credit card or Paypal)
- Adopted Tree $500 ** (Please add $11 convenience fee if donating via credit card or Paypal)
* If a non-standard tree style is preferred and acceptable to the park manager, the cost may be higher.
** Pending availability of an existing tree suitable for adoption.
Tree Sponsorships should be made after a mutually agreeable park and location have been identified with FCPA staff.
Sponsorship includes planting by a commercial nursery and regular watering during the first season of growth.
You may also choose to adopt an existing tree whose location or appearance is meaningful to the honoree.
Within a period of three years following the donation, the Park Authority will replace the tree if staff determines that it has died or been severely damaged.
Since plaques are not permitted for commemorative trees, an attractive certificate that is suitable for presentation to the honoree or family is available upon request.
General Information
Full funding for the donation must be received in advance.
Some sponsors choose to donate more than the minimum sponsorship. Remaining funds after the design, fabrication, delivery and installation of the bench, plaque and pad (where applicable) will help Fairfax County parks.
Donated benches and trees are the property of the Park Authority and are maintained at the same level as other park benches and trees.
The Park Authority retains the right to relocate a donated bench and replant or replace a donated tree in a new location. Staff will attempt to contact the donor to select the new location, but the park manager will make the final decision.