There are many worthwhile park projects than the Fairfax County Park Foundation can actively support within fundraising resources. Partnerships with individuals and organizations are welcome to accomplish more improvements and care of YOUR Fairfax County parks!
This page provides resources and information to assist park advocates and friends groups in fundraising for their projects:
Mastenbrook Volunteer Matching Fund Grants
The Park Authority funds the Mastenbrook Volunteer Matching Fund Grant Program which awards grants of up to $20,000 to match volunteer funds and in-kind services for projects that improve Fairfax County parks and facilities.
Grants Research and Training Center (GRTC)
The Grants Research and Training Center (GRTC) is a Fairfax County community resource for nonprofit organizations students, artists, and other individuals looking to access the databases on foundation grant funding.
GRTC resources offer free access to Candid electronic databases (formerly The Foundation Center & GuideStar) on grantmakers: Foundation Directory Online Professional and Foundation Grants to Individuals Online. Assistance by trained staff on how to use the Candid resources are available.
For GRTC locations, hours, appointments and more information, contact the Fairfax County Public Library.
Philanthropy DMV (formerly WRAG)
Philanthropy DMV is a network of philanthropists driving change. This member-made and member-informed organization that ensures you’re well supported in your role and well connected with others for deeper community impact.
Members come from across the philanthropic sector in the Greater Washington region. As a collective we’re best positioned to leverage wisdom, take meaningful risks, and drive change.
Join Philanthropy DMV for engaging events, learning opportunities, and conversations to share best practices and address the most pressing philanthropy issues in the Greater Washington region.
National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA)
NRPA is a nonprofit organization of park and recreation professionals and citizen park advocates. Its website has information and links to a variety of park and recreation resources.
Be sure to review NRPA's Park Advocate Handbook, a 69-page guide for creating a park support group. The handbook offers detailed information on formalizing the organization's structure, becoming tax-exempt, fundraising, building alliances in the community, communications, outreach and event planning.
Project for Public Spaces (PPS)
PPS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public places that build communities. It has a strong focus on parks as the centerpiece of vibrant communities. The PPS website has several articles with case studies of successful cooperation of nonprofits and public park departments.
Help from the Fairfax County Park Foundation
The Park Foundation can help park advocates, volunteer teams and friends groups by receiving, acknowledging and accounting for donations to approved Park Authority projects.
Donations to the Park Foundation are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Funds received by the Foundation are restricted to use for the designated project and are transferred in full to the Park Authority for that specific purpose. Together, we can work together to enrich YOUR Fairfax County parks!
For more information, contact:
Roberta A. Longworth, Executive Director
Fairfax County Park Foundation
Phone: 703-324-8581