We reflect on all the great accomplishments that have been achieved this year because of YOU – our loyal donor! You, one of 15 million park visitors. You, the enthusiastic park devotee. You, the dedicated volunteer. You, the active participant in one of the many programs that the Fairfax County Park Foundation has supported this year. THANK YOU!
Your charitable donations enable the Fairfax County Park Foundation to continue with its direct impact by funding many important Park Authority projects and events including:

- The Wonder Wagon, FCPA’s first Mobile Nature Center, brings environmental and nature education to underserved communities throughout Fairfax County. In the first six months, more than 7,000 individuals were reached through over 100 visits to parks, Title 1 schools, public libraries, local non-profit groups, senior centers, fairs and community festivals.
- The Moon Gate Garden, a prominent new feature inspired by ancient Asian gardens at beautiful Green Spring Gardens, attracts visitors with an auspicious welcome and hope for good fortune.
- Adapted & Equity Outreach Programs enrich the lives of many neighbors through Healthy Strides 5K/10K at Burke Lake Park, Earth Day Fairfax at Sully Historic Site, Lunar New Year, First Hike, 4-H Fair & Carnival at Frying Pan Farm Park, Oak Hill Open House, FCPA camps and classes.
- The annual Summer Entertainment Series features nearly 200 free concerts, performances and movies that inspire tens of thousands of attendees through all nine Fairfax County Supervisory Districts.
- The Invasive Management Area (IMA) program engages volunteers who have planted 1,043 trees and cleared 1,532 acres.
- The Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience educated more than 3,000 4th, 5th and 7th grade students about watershed stewardship and the importance of Chesapeake Bay.

The Park Foundation needs your help to continue these and other important programs in 2025. Please donate $5,000, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can. You can continue to make a difference for Fairfax County.

The Park Foundation board, staff and volunteers are thankful for the generosity of you and all our philanthropic supporters. In the spirit of the One Fairfax Social and Racial Equity Policy, donations enrich our lives by providing educational and recreational opportunities for many throughout our Fairfax County parks.
Read our printable FCPF appeal letter. Your donation will provide meaningful help for your parks where needed most. Your tax advisor can advise which tax benefits are suitable for you.