Ruthanne G. Lodato FCPA (Music) Class Scholarships

This life-long resident of Alexandria brought the gift and joy of music to thousands of our area’s children for almost 40 years. She taught music at elementary schools, piano at her family home, and early childhood music and movement as the Center Director of Music Together Alexandria. Ruthanne didn’t just teach piano and music lessons to her students; she fostered creativity, confidence and personal growth and instilled a lasting love of music. Sharing this gift of music is her legacy, and her students both young and old are a living tribute to her spirit and generosity.
Unfortunately, Ruthanne’s life was tragically taken on February 6, 2014. Her family, in concert with the Fairfax County Park Foundation, set up a special scholarship in her honor to allow children without means to receive music classes through the Fairfax County Park system. Contributions are being accepted in her memory.
Arts class scholarships have been awarded to more than a dozen children to date thanks to memorial gifts honoring the life of Ruthanne Lodato. Piano lessons were selected by each of the awardees!
Springfield Art Guild FCPA (Visual and Fine Arts) Class Scholarships

The Springfield Art Guild board members were inspired by the Ruthanne G. Lodato Music Scholarship. SAG’s generous contributions provide scholarships for income-eligible individuals to experience visual or fine arts classes. More than 55 fine arts classes are listed in Parktakes Magazine. The Park Authority and Foundation are committed to helping all Fairfax County residents improve their lives. Philanthropic support of donors such as SAG help us to reach more people each year.