Fairfax Memorial Park Cemetery and Funeral Home.
As president of Fairfax Memorial Park Cemetery and Funeral Home, Michael Doherty is accustomed to helping people through some of life’s most challenging times. So when he received a call about a crisis that threatened to cancel some of life’s better times, he welcomed the opportunity to help.
“Sharon Bulova, who was then the Braddock District Supervisor, called and explained that a major Summer Entertainment Series donor had been bought by an international company, and it was pulling its sponsorship for Braddock Nights,” Doherty recalled. “She wanted to know if we could help, and that’s how it started. She invited us to support the series, and we have enjoyed supporting it ever since.”

Since 2003, Fairfax Memorial has made substantial contributions to the Park Authority’s popular Summer Entertainment Series, which provides weekly concerts, movies and children’s entertainment in parks at no charge to public audiences. Funding is provided by corporate and private donors through the Fairfax County Park Foundation. This year, Fairfax Memorial decided to increase its contribution to support both the evening concerts and a new Braddock District children’s Arts in the Parks entertainment series initiated by Supervisor James Walkinshaw.

“We’re a part of the community here, and we want to stay involved in the community and continue supporting programs,” Doherty said. “My family has attended the concerts, and my father always enjoyed the symphony when he was alive. The entertainment is for all ages, and it makes for a beautiful evening in the park.”