Laura Erlacher.

Laura Eakin Erlacher is the Director of Government Affairs & Policy for GE Vernova. She analyzes domestic and global energy trends and climate policies and provides strategic guidance on Federal and state legislation and regulations of importance to the natural gas industry.

Prior to her current position, Laura was the Washington DC publicist of the Emilie Brzezinski Sculpture where she coordinated, promoted and installed two successful art exhibits of monumental wood sculptures at Jim Kempner Fine Art (NYC) and the Katzen Art Center, American University (WDC).

Ms. Eakin Erlacher served as PPL Corporation Manager of Federal Government Relations in Washington DC where she advocated Fortune 500 electric and gas utility corporate positions on key federal legislative and regulatory issues before U.S. Congressional members, senior federal government officials, and international government representatives. Previous roles with PPL Corporation include Manager of U.S. Business Development, PPL Global, and Analyst of International Business Development in Fairfax, Virginia.

Other experience includes Business School Intern, Investment Development at an Overseas Private Investment Corporation; and Community Relations assistant at the Boston University Office of the President and Assistant to the Vice President for Programs & Projects at the Atlantic Council of the United States Positions held in Prague, Czech Republic are Secondary School English Teacher; and Assistant in the Central European University Office of the Chief Executive.

Ms. Eakin Erlacher earned her Masters of Business Administration from Boston University School of Management. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia.

She was the first member to represent the Eakin Family on the Park Foundation Board, having served on the inaugural Board from 2001-2004. During that time, she supported Fairfax County Park Authority by raising supplemental funds from private sector, grants and collaborative partnerships. The major fundraising initiative was Clemyjontri Park, a two acre accessible playground in McLean, Virginia.

In 1951, LeRoy Eakin, Sr. donated 14 acres of land which was Fairfax County's first park. The Eakin family gave another 240 additional acres which ultimately became the Fairfax County Park Authority. Ms. Eakin Erlacher presents the annual Eakin Philanthropy Awards, established by the Park Foundation to recognize visionary financial and material contributions that significantly enhance Fairfax County parks. Laura serves on the FCPF Board of Directors to continue the Eakin Family legacy.